Why choose custom cabinetry?

Who wants to live in a home that’s out of a box when you can have one that’s out of this world? By choosing an experienced craftsperson to create your custom cabinets, your new cabinetry will be an extension of your personality, lifestyle, and individuality.

A custom cabinetmaker will work closely with you to design, build, and install cabinetry that perfectly fits your needs and personal tastes. The right cabinetmaker can give a whole new layout to your home with the right materials, fixtures, and finishes chosen specifically for you.

In addition to the ability to completely customize cabinetry suited to your every need, choosing a custom cabinetmaker gives you the opportunity to:

  • Be 100% involved in the design process.
  • Use the best quality materials of your choice.
  • Access a greater variety of products and accessories to completely personalize your project and suit any special needs.

And the best part about your custom cabinetry is the high quality products that are used by your selective cabinetmaker with an extraordinary attention to detail. Especially when compared to stock or prefabricated cabinets, your custom cabinetry will be strong, durable, and perfectly constructed.

Take a better look at the comparison between custom and stock cabinets:

Custom Cabinetry

  • High quality materials.
  • Custom fit, utilizing all available space.
  • Built locally.
  • Endless options – including green alternatives.
  • Work with a detailed and thorough designer or contractor.

Prefabricated Cabinets

  • Often lower grade, cost cutting materials.
  • Standard sizes. uses fillers to fit.
  • Shipped from regional distribution centers.
  • Stock materials, limited choices.
  • Place order over the phone or in showroom.

While the options in stock cabinetry are expanding, the main difference is still quality. Only a custom cabinetmaker works with you to perfectly design a kitchen that fits your needs then follows a hands-on process with the best materials and greatest attention to detail. For complete, top quality kitchen cabinets that could be made just for you, contact a custom cabinetmaker today.